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Monday, December 19, 2011

Just a typical lonely start to break

Winter break has been pretty lonely so far!  I am missing Mary and Courtney already!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Just a typical last look back

Goodbye for a month Suite 126! We'll miss you (and each other) and hope to come home to some lovely fresh paint! Purple halls anyone??

Happy Holidays to all our faithful readers!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Just a typical night of mourning....

Mary went home for break :( !

Questions, comments, hopes for the future, picture requests?  Send them to us at!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Just a typical finals death trap...

Note:  Not posing.  Our photographer caught us like this.

Questions, comments, hopes for the future, picture requests?  Send them to us at!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Just a typical night of caroling...

Questions, comments, hopes for the future, picture requests?  Send them to us at!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Just a typical bathroom adventure...

Questions, comments, hopes for the future, picture requests?  Send them to us at!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Just a typical finals weekend...

Questions, comments, hopes for the future, picture requests?  Send them to us at!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Just a typical gravitational pull...

Guest appearance by Patrick Dempsey and Patrick Dempsey and Patrick Dempsey and Patrick Dempsey and Patrick Dempsey...

Questions, comments, hopes for the future, picture requests?  Send them to us at!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Just a typical Thursday night...

Questions, comments, hopes for the future, picture requests?  Send them to us at!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Just a typical rainy day...

Questions, comments, hopes for the future, picture requests?  Send them to us at!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Just a typical Tuesday night...

...with our lab notebooks.
(guest appearance by Sydney Hyder, a former member of Suite 126)

Questions, comments, hopes for the future, picture requests?  Send them to us at!

Just a typical Gummere suite...

126 <3

Questions, comments, hopes for the future, picture requests?  Send them to us at!

Just a typical Monday night in Gummere...

Guest appearance by Molly, Alexa Ray's guinea pig :)

Questions, comments, hopes for the future, picture requests?  Send them to us at!

Just a typical look thrown at Mary...

Just a typical Sunday night...

(guest appearance by Graham Barrett)

Questions, comments, hopes for the future, picture requests?  Send them to us at!

Just a typical Saturday night in Suite 126...

Well, hello there.  We see you've found the first post of our blog.  We are Alexa Ray (front), Mary (back), and Courtney (right), a sophomore and two juniors living together in Gummere (Gum-er-ee) suite 126 at Haverford College.

Inspired by the sad state of our lives during the final weeks of the semester, this blog documents our typical daily life in picture format.  Enjoy!

Questions, comments, hopes for the future, picture requests?  Send them to us at!